Fruit Trees
It is every gardener’s dream to pick a fruit from a tree in their garden. Because of our limestone soil and limited rainfall, growing fruit trees here in the Turks and Caicos can be a significant challenge. We offer a wide range of tropical fruit trees as well as the fertilizers and soil amendments to keep them happy. For the most part, our trees are grafted to preserve genetics and provide much earlier than fruit trees grown from seed.

Ackee Fruit
Picked and prepared correctly the fruit has a very unique creamy, buttery taste. It is almost exclusively prepared cooked, as though it were a vegetable.
Well-drained soil mix. 40% top spoil, 30% manure, 30% native
Semi Shade to Full Sun

Avocado ‘Hass’
Dark green bumpy skin texture with a creamy avocado taste. Best if grown from graft as genetics tend to vary significantly. Mother strain derives from California although a Florida ‘Hass’ has been developed since.
Acidic soil mix. 30% top spoil, 50% manure, 20% native
Semi Shade to Full Sun

Avocado ‘Lula’
The Lula is a Florida cultivar renowned for its great taste. It is a medium-sized, slightly elongated fruit that, once established, bears large amounts of pear-shaped fruit.
Acidic soil mix. 30% top spoil, 50% manure, 20% native.
Semi Shade to Full Sun

Avocado ‘Oro Negro’
Persea americana 'Oro Negro'
Oro Negro is a rare hybird variety that has the taste similar to that of a Hass but more equipped for warmer growing conditions. The name translates to ‘Black Gold’ and it is almost exclusively grown from a graft.
Acidic soil mix. 30% top spoil, 50% compost and/or manure, 20% native
Semi Shade to Full Sun

Banana ‘Goldfinger’
Musa acuminata ‘Goldfinger’
A hybrid developed in Honduras for its exceptional sweet taste and resistance to pests and fungus. The Goldfinger is a medium to large variety of banana.
Acidic soil mix with good drainage. 40% top-soil, 50% compost and/or manure, 10% native
Semi Shade to Full Sun with wind protection

Cherry ‘Barbados’
The Barbados Cherry is a tropical shrub that grows exceptionally well in areas of intense heat. The fruit is famous for its extremely high % of Vitamin C. Unlike most fruit trees, the Barbados Cherry does well in drought-prone area.
Does well in most soils. Needs good drainage. 60% top-soil, 20% compost and/or manure, 20% native

Cherry ‘Suriname’
The Suriname cherry, is a hardy shrub that produces sweet, red, cherry-like fruits several times a year. Very sought after for it’s immune boosting nutritional benefits. The Suriname Cherry can withstand full sun and is relatively drought-tolerant. Can be planted and maintained as a hedge, tree or bush.
Does well in most soils. Needs good drainage. 60% top-soil, 20% compost and/or manure, 20% native.
Semi Shade to Full Sun

Fig ‘Brown Turkey’
Ficus carica ‘Brown Turkey”
The Brown Turkey Fig tree is an adaptable tree that can be grown in a multitude of climates. The fruits are brown/purple when ripe, sweet and can be eaten raw off the tree or in a preserve. They like moist soil, sun, and some wind protection.
Moist soils. 40% top-soil, 40% compost and/or manure, 20% native. Mulching helps
Some Shade - Full Sun

Grapefruit ‘Ruby Red’
The Ruby Red grapefruit is a hybrid variety from the classic pink grapefruit. It’s coveted for its bright red pigment and its sweeter taste.
20% top-soil, 30% compost and/or manure, 40% peat moss 10% native.
Full Sun. Some shade if in container

Guava ‘Asian’
The Asian Guava or ‘Apple Guava’ is the variety of guava that is yellow on the exterior and white on the inside when ripe. It is slightly more crunchy and has smaller seeds than other guava varieties.
30% top-soil, 30% compost and/or manure, 20% peat moss 20% native
Full Sun. Some shade if in container

Guava ‘Barbie Pink’
The Barbie Pink variety of Guava produces a large green or yellow fruit when ripe that is bright pink on the inside. A fast-ripening fruit with a strong guava fragrance.
30% top-soil, 30% compost and/or manure, 20% peat moss 20% native
Full Sun. Some shade if in container

Guava ‘Ruby Supreme’
The Ruby Supreme variety of Guava is almost identical to the Pink Barbie variety. The fruits are generally a bit darker and the tree shorter and bushier.
30% top-soil, 30% compost and/or manure, 20% peat moss 20% native
Full Sun. Some shade if in container

A tree in the fig, mulberry and breadfruit family. Known for its size (largest fruit in the world) and it’s distinct sweet taste. Can be eaten ripe and also unripened where it is being used increasingly as a substitute for meat in a variety of cuisines.
Well-drained alluvial soil. 30% top-soil, 30% compost and/or manure, 20% peat moss 20% native.

June Plum
The June Plum is a fast-growing tree that grows bushels of ovuler fruit that are sweet and yellow when ripe. They can also be picked and prepared unripened as a chutney or preserve. Native to polynesia, this fruit is now well established throughout the Caribbean.
Well-drained soil. 30% top-soil, 40% compost and/or manure, 10% peat moss 20% native
Full Sun or Slight Shade

Lemon ‘Meyer’
Is a variety of citrus originating from China that is a cross between a citron and a pomelo. It grows well as a container plant, enjoys the full sun and - when well fed - produces large amounts of fruit.
Well-drained, slightly acidic soil. 30% top-soil, 40% compost and/or manure, 20% peat moss 10% native.
Full Sun or Slight Shade if in Container.

Lime ‘Key Lime’
The Key Lime is a small round citrus with a stronger aroma and thinner peel then a regular lime. It is juicy, and often used in mixed drinks, deserts and marinades. Slightly hardier than other varieties of lime.
Well-drained, slightly acidic soil. 30% top-soil, 40% compost and/or manure, 20% peat moss 10% native.
Full Sun or Slight Shade if in Container.

Lime ‘Persian’
The Persian Lime is actually a cross between the Key Lime and a lemon. The fruits tend to be roughly 6cm in diameter and are very juicy. If you buy a lime at the supermarket, it is very likely to be a Persian Lime.
Well-drained, slightly acidic soil. 30% top-soil, 40% compost and/or manure, 20% peat moss 10% native.
Full Sun or Slight Shade if in Container.

A tropical tree native to southeastern China. The fruit is red when ripe and has a super sweet fleshy, white meat that surrounds a dark seed in the middle. The red rind is not edible but very easily removed.
Well-drained, slightly acidic soil. 35% top-soil, 40% compost and/or manure, 25% peat moss 10% native.

Our varieties include: ‘Haden’ ‘Glenn’ ‘Julie’ ‘East-Indian’ Pickering’ ‘Mallika’.
Mangoes love the heat and certain varieties of Mango are quite drought resistant. The major impediment to their growth here in the TCI however is the high PH of our soils. Which is why we recommend burying them in a large container with an acidic soil mix.
Well-drained, rich, acidic soil. 20% top-soil, 50% compost and/or manure, 20% peat moss 10% native.
Slight shade - Full sun

Orange ‘Calamansi’
Citrofortunella microcarpa
A citrus hybrid native to the islands of the Phillippines where it is used in a variety of drinks and dishes. The calamondin can be grown as a short bush and produces large amounts of ping pong sized fruit which are easy to peel. Grows well in a container plant.
Well-drained potting mix. 30% top-soil, 30% compost and/or manure, 30% peat moss 10% native.
Slight Shade - Full Sun

Otaheite Apple
A fast-growing tropical fruit tree native to southeast Asia and Australia that has been introduced to the Caribbean for several centuries now. It is bright red, with a white flesh that has the texture of a pear on the inside.
Well-drained, PH 6.5 - 7. 30% top-soil, 40% compost and/or manure, 20% peat moss 10% native.
Slight shade - Full sun

Pigeon Plum
Native to the coastal areas of the Caribbean, including the Bahamas. A close relative of the native Sea Grape, with significantly larger fruit. Has many medicinal properties. Is used to make jellies, teas and wines.
Well-drained, sandy, rich soil. 50% top-soil, 20% peat, 10% compost, 20% native.

A tropical plant in the Bromeliad family. Easy to grow and propagate. Tastes sweeter when allowed to ripen in the sun. The pineapple fruit is actually a multitude of flowers that join together to make up a single fruit. It generally takes a year to bare its first fruit but continues to bare more frequently in following years.
Well drained potting mix.

A large, sweet, grenade-shaped fruit native to South America and the Caribbean. Known as Guanabana in Spanish and Corossol in French, this large, coveted fruit is eaten raw or juiced when ripe. The leaves of the tree are used to make a soothing herbal tea, consumed to relieve stomach cramps and promote digestion.
Well drained, slightly acidic. 40% top-soil, 50% compost and/or manure, 10% native.
Semi-shade - Full sun

Sugar Apple
A very sweet tropical fruit native to the tropical Americas & Caribbean. Sugar apple is high in energy and is a very good source of Vitamin C and Manganese. The tree tends to grow to between 10 and 20 feet. They flower in spring & fruit 2-3 months after.
Well drained. 30% top-soil, 30% compost and/or manure, 20% peat moss 20% native.
Semi shade - Full sun

Starfruit / Carambola
A smaller fruiting tree native to Southeast Asia that produces beautiful pink flowers that develop into a sweet star-shaped fruit that is generally consumed raw or juiced. Although the tree doesn’t get very tall, when well maintained it produces a large yield.
Well drained, slightly acidic. 40% top-soil, 50% compost and/or manure, 10% native.

Tamarind (Round)
A leguminous tree native to tropical Africa. The pulp from the fruit is used in cuisines around the world, notably in central Africa, India and Mexico. It is a tart fruit, although the round variety tends to be sweeter in taste. It is high in vitamins B1, B2 & B3.
Deep, loamy soil. 40% top-soil, 20% compost and/or manure, 20% peat moss 20% native.